3D Parallax Background v1.42 Apk Terbaru
Download Aplikasi Live Wallpaper Efek 3D Keren Unik | APKTerupdate.com - 3D Parallax Background adalah aplikasi live wallpaper yang canggih karena memiliki efek seperti ilusi optik sehingga sangat menarik dilihat oleh semua orang
Tersedia lebih dari 70 Wallpaper untuk anda personalisasikan, kesemua wallpaper pada aplikasi 3D Parallax Background memiliki 3 lapis gambar yang masing-masing memliki arah pergerakannya sendiri, Nah inilah yang menyebabkan timbulnya efek kombinasi live wallpaper yang mengagumkan.
Setelah menggunakan aplikasi 3D Parallax Background, saya cukup puas dan tidak membosankan karena berbeda sekali dengan live wallpaper ponsel pada umumnya, jika anda penasaran langsung saja coba deh dijamin anda akan suka.
3D Parallax Background Features:
- Fully 3D OpenGL gyroscope controlled environment.
- Completely new and unique feature you won't find anywhere else even on Iphone - multi-layered parallax.
- Access to over 80 themes and growing!
- Download or create your own multi-layers! To share your own creations with other users please email us and we will share it in public dropbox folder. Please use 1024x1024 or 2048x2048 transparent PNG files.
- Use included themes or download additional ones created by other users.
- Smooth and battery efficent.
- Has an option to use only accelerometer sensor which uses 10 times less power than other sensors for super extra power save (not really necessary).
- When not visible application is completely stopped, it doesn't run anything in background.
- Use custom launchers like Nova or Apex to have this wallpaper visible in your app drawer as well.
Yang Baru di Versi 1.42:
- Added support for new special FX mode themes
- Special FX themes have now FX tags
- Even lower battery usage
- New themes
App Info:
Name: 3D Parallax Background
Category: Tema, Personalisasi
Version: 1.42
Update: 21 Juli 2017
Developers: Vinwap
Size: 9 MB
Required: OS Android 4.0.3+
More Info: Google Play
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